M5: Choropleth Mapping

This week we worked on making a choropleth map of Europe and a proportional symbol representing wine consumption. At first, this lab was confusing since I do not know exactly where each country is located, and with some names of the countries being a different language threw me off. I can say now I am more familiar with Europe than when I started. For the color of this map I choose a light yellow that sequentially moves to green then to dark green. I choose green because it embodies land and money. I went with the a realistic basemap that had a nice shade of blue to represent the water. I could not use illustrator for some reason it was choppy and slow to respond and kept crashing on me. I wanted to outline the countries for the inset map then make a line form the outline to the inset map. Instead I made a transparent dashed line of the area that is needed a close view to the inset map. At first, I did not think it was possible to make my own symbol. I have not heard of the SVG format that ArcGIS Pro uses for their symbols. Once I found out that I can save my illustrations as an SVG file I knew that I was headed in the right direction. The highlight for this week was being able to make my custom symbol and then using it on my map.


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