M3: Cartographic Design

This week we were given an assignment to make a map using cartographic design principals of Ward 7 public schools in Washington D.C. and about the impact that color and organization has on maps. I started to use ArcGIS first, then ended up using Illustrator. I found it to be simple and more organized than ArcGIS Pro when compared to its artistic capabilities. I implemented visual hierarchy by making the Ward 7 location as big as possible and a lighter color to its surroundings. Within this area I gave higher range of contrast and a bright color pallet. Outside the section I used a similar color pallet just a few shades darker and reduced the range of contrast to give it a muted look. This is the first map that I started to use the shadow drop effect. I did not want to overuse the effect, so I toned it down to give it a subtle effect. I enjoyed this lab, creating maps really brings out the artist in me. This lecture gave me a better understanding of cartographic design formula. 


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